Love transforms …


“Let us not tire of invoking the light and strength of the Holy Spirit, so that he may help us to experience ordinary things with love and thereby render them extraordinary. It is love that transforms: ordinary things seem to continue being ordinary, but when they are done with love they become extraordinary. If we remain open, docile, to the Spirit, he inspires our daily thoughts and actions.

Pope Francis

Thinking of others…

Time is passing so slowly in this strange time of covid. I am having such a difficult time dealing with the new year. I want to reverse time and Immerse myself with photos of the past and happier times. But then I had a God incident moment is this how others with disabilities must feel during normal times without covid. They can’t get out and be part of their society like others without disabilities can. We must reach out to our communities and neighbors and try to bring a little normalcy to others with disabilities. Even if it’s just a phone call or text just to say I am thinking of you.