Giving Thanks …

Our air conditioning unit wasn’t working properly. So I called the repair man, and it took him awhile to find the exact cause of why the unit wasn’t working. By the time he evaluated the unit, ordered the part and got the unit repaired it was ten days!

Having limited or no air conditioning is a huge test for me.  I DO NOT do well with heat and humidity. Thank God for our son, he had a wall unit which we  were able to use for sleeping!

Thank you Jesus for little blessings of air conditioning!!


Are you to listening …

I wanted to start this blog “My God Incidence” for a very long time. The Holy Spirit has been prompting me almost on a daily bases for the last few years and yep it took me this long to answer. But as we all know we procrastinate way too often and don’t listen to those inner prompts God gives us.

The purpose of this blog is to do a few things; one to see how many times God speaks to us, is it on a daily bases, are you listening and do you answer? I used to be more intuitive or open to the Holy Spirits prompts, to the point of it being eerie…. Boy do I miss those days. It seems as I have gotten older and busier I have lost that inner spirits voice. I miss those days of feeling happy and grounded. So I’m hoping the Holy Spirit is saying “I miss you too for I am here”!


These things are only a test …

I don’t know how many tests God has given me through out my life but it sure seems that I am  always in one. Why is that?

33 I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]


Hey what did you say …

It’s  been a hard few days trying to  manage my mouth.  Maybe my mouth is one of my many mountains that I continue to travel around. Well it’s not that I argue with others, I simply state my opinion which I guess doesn’t sit well with some. I feel God is telling me that I need to curb my mouth or maybe my opinions.  But I will not give up, I will continue to listen  to the Holy Spirit which at times seems to be so easy and other times it “Hey what did you say again!”.

Today’s blessing …

Well, as I work on why I keep going around the same old mountain there is a blessing or God incidence as I like to call them that has been answered today.

I start everyday before my feet hit the floor for guidance of my mouth. I have a very strong personality and don’t always say the right words before I speak. Many who know me may say that is probably the mountain she is referring to but actually it’s not. In praying for one’s mouth before getting out of bed may seem strange, but try it sometime, asking for guidance of one’s mouth is a very valuable prayer. Praying for my mouth helped me eliminate an argument today and helped me maneuver through a conversation with better word choices without causing to much tension. Thank you Christ Jesus!

Psalm 141:3

 3 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
    keep watch over the door of my lips!